We’re sold on our new Evolution Wheels


With the Evolution Wheel, downtime is a thing of the past. From ranchers who do some really rough work, we highly recommend this product. We hope you like our testimonial!

“We used to have a lot of downtime if we had something go wrong with the tire. We’ve discovered a product that we feel is superior to anything we’ve tried to use. It’s called the Evolution Wheel.”

In early May Tuda and Sara made a testimonial video touting the new Evolution Wheel.

UCCC Receives Environmental Stewardship Award

UCCC is proud to be among the 2019 National Cattlemen’s Beef Association “Environmental Stewardship Award” recipients; Region 1. Overhome Farms; Region 2. Blackbeard Ranch; 3. Didrickson Farms; Region 4. Kilam Duval County Ranch; Region 5. Cundall Ranch; Region 6. Ute Creek Cattle Company; Region 7. Blew Partnership. “We are so honored to have received this award!,” said Tuda Libby Crews. “We are passionate about what we do and feel blessed to be recognized by our peers.”

Below is a link to the National Cattlemen’s BEEF Association web site and the official news release on the Environmental Stewardship Award!
